The entry of king Gustav Vasa into Stockholm 1523
Midsummer 2023 marks 500 years since Gustav Eriksson Vasa entered Stockholm after a war that is more than two years long. We want to celebrate this with a large reenactment of the entry into a historical parade that will involve many different groups of participants, all related to the day and time.
Come and celebrate the 500th anniversary of Stockholm’s liberation and Sweden’s independence!

- Landsknektsföreningen Proknekt
- Knektföreningen Stockholmsfänikan
- Sancte Örjens Gille
- Calmar Renaissance Guild
- Mounted Life Regiment
- Dalkarlsvägen
- Herman Lindqvist
- Individual re-enactors
Project group
- Hjalmar Olsson, project manager
Word & Vision - Henrik Summanen, recreated
- David Lindén, historian
- Johanna Nybelius, history broker
- Johnny Vestlund, Proknekt
- Jonas Samuelsson, Stockholm Fänikan
- Christian Arnet, Svea TV
- Jonas Bergström, Marketing and PR,
- Commandant’s Staff with The High Guard
- Cultural Administration, City of Stockholm
- Heraldry Björn Fridén
- Stockholm City Museum
Currently, interested participants are linked to the project.
Do you or your group want to join us? Contact us.